Basque (play)
Baska (Baska bank) - a traditional Kashubian card game, also known in Wielkopolska as "kop". It is customary to play "for money" (even if symbolic). In Kaszuby Baśka is the most popular card game for over a hundred years and is ahead of the other in this respect, the more elite Skata from which it has some borrowings (eg Grand).
In Baśka it is played during social gatherings, in the banana (from the dialect of Poznan and Kashubian: on the train), but there are also popular tournaments, gathering even hundreds of participants. There is Pomeranian-Kashubian Baśki League.
Four people are involved in the game. The game is fast - one hand does not usually last more than one minute, because the deck consists of sixteen cards and each player receives only four. The deal consists of two phases: betting (picking) and playing. As a result of the auction, the game and the page are divided into Old and Old and opposite to the Young, sometimes revealed only during the game. Gameplay and settlement depends on the type of game: casual, happy, quiet, Gran (d), Zollo, Gran (d), Doux or Zollo Doux.
During Baśka, the players do not hide their emotions - the counter and the punch are often accompanied by cheers and punches on the table.
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