Glemp operation

Operation: Glemp - satirical Polish free adventure game by Jacek Jędrzejczak, set in fictional realities in 1996. It has caused a lot of controversy in the media with its definitely anti-clerical sense of humor. Game The place of action is Kuria - the secret seat of the mafia called the Episcopate, the action time - a few hours of November 1, 1996.

In 1996, Poland was ruled by a black mafia headed by the Episcopate headed by the Godfather operating under the pseudonym Glemp. All state institutions are under the control of the Chronicle of the Hate of the Game, and special fighters hunt for innovators who are engaged in guerrilla activities against the current regime. The main character is the agent of such a guerrilla. Assassination of several important clerics (Priest Henryk Jankowski, Primate Jozef Glemp and former President Lech Walesa), robbery of money and action, and the removal of the Curia in the air - and then safely escaping from it by Mercedes Primate priest. Controversies

As a result of the publication of the Gazeta Wyborcza game, the author was sued, a scandal erupted, and distribution was hindered. The game was created in 1996 and initially went unnoticed, probably due to its low technical level. It was not until late August 1999 that it aroused many controversies and protests in the Polish media, which made it extremely popular. The controversy stemmed from the fact that the game was definitely anticlerical and depicted the Polish Catholic Church in a definite negative light - the dark and gloomy Curia as the seat of the ubiquitous debauchery and the repressive black worm regime. He was also annoyed by the fact that in the game the target of the assassin was ridiculed or ridiculed by the true figures of Polish public life (Henryk Jankowski, Józef Glemp, Lech Walesa, Ryszard Czarnecki). "Glemp operation" was removed due to protests from one of the Polish servers, but soon it was re-located in one of the US.



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