Gram-negative (latin polimicrogyria) - a congenital malformation of the brain consisting of excessive coronation of the outer or all layers of the cerebral cortex. There are numerous, small, short and narrow corners of irregular and irregular corners. Sometimes the bends are very small and folded on the surface. The soft tire is normally well-shaped. Histological picture
Microscopically, disturbances of the layered bark, consisting of excessive winding of individual layers. Single-layer fine-grained, when the bark is excessively winded over the entire thickness, and four-stranded when the winding is found in layers 1 and 2, and layers 3 and 4 are partially undeveloped. Changes in the bark can be kinky (mosaic). Etiology
The cause of fine-grafting is probably a disorder in the migration of neuron precursor cells in the early stages of fetal life. Bibliography
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