Real Politics Party (1905-1923)
Real Politics Party - formed formally on October 18, 1905 in Warsaw, a group classified as conservative, although the activists themselves defined the party as conservative-liberal. It was a policy of the cabinet. Writings expressing the views of the realists were: "Kraj" and "Słowo".
She was born out of a compromise group trying to engage in dialogue with the Russian state and society and obtain an agreement with them. She used the method of "small steps" to achieve her postulates. In the conflict between the will of the nation and its interests, they have always been on the side of the business. An elite party that brings together people who have often leading roles in politics, economics, the moral, religious and intellectual fields. In spite of its elitism, it was deprived of prestige and acceptance in a broad society. Realists sought to reconcile conservative and moderately progressive ideas in their program. They proclaimed the need for continuous and evolutionary progress, the need to improve the existence of all classes and social classes. The character of the party best reflects on the words of its member Ludomir Grendyszyński: "We are realists because we stand on the real ground of relations created by history and strive to change, to repair, to improve those relations, to the happiness and development of our nation - with real political means. We are conservatives only in the sense that we can not depart from the basic principles of social order, we are liberals and progressives when it comes to the great ideas of freedom, tolerance and humanism in terms of the fullness of human freedoms and national laws. "
The First Council of State in the Russian Empire, elected Leopold Julian Kronenberg in 1906, Józef Ostrowski (President of the Polish Academy of Sciences to 1908) and Eustachy Dobiecki.
In 1907, the National Electoral Commission was formed in the Second Duma elections with the National Democratic Party. Henryk Dembiński (President of the Polish Army in the years 1908-1915) and Henryk Potocki were elected to the II Duma. During this time, there was a close-up between SPR and the end.
In the First World War, it supported the Regency Council and became part of the Inter-Party Political Circle (MKP).
Not having a mass and demagogic character, the stigmata of the compromise, the realist Party of Politics ceased to exist in March 1923. Part of its members later chose to belong to the endecia, part of which went to conservative and landowners, and some activists could be found after 1926 in the sanctioned ranks. Many realists included embassy and embassy in the interwar period and also held responsible functions in government administration, especially in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. demands Bibliography
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