Antimimport, foreign trade policy that restricts the importation of goods from foreign countries that can be produced on a larger scale in the country, also known as the limited autarky policy.
Until the end of the 1980s, anti-immigration policy was also applied in countries with a centrally controlled economy, including in Poland.
Import substitution strategyOften it leads to a decline in world trade and is linked to the limitation of the principle of comparative advantage. Least Developed Countries (hereinafter referred to as CRS) have benefited from tariffs and quantitative restrictions in order to shift domestic resources from raw material production (which usually have a comparative advantage) to industrial production (where they were significantly less efficient compared to others).
The use of such a policy can be uneconomical and wasteful. Countries use more domestic resources to produce certain products than would require export. Causes
CRSs have implemented an anti-import policy because of their willingness to restrict them to specialization in the production of certain raw materials. The reasons were simple: in the 1930s there was a collapse of world trade, and in many CRSs there was even a 50% decline in export earnings. Some of these countries have decided to become independent of the world economy. In addition, CRSs have associated the developed industrial sector with the prosperity of rich countries. dangers
It may turn out to be a 'dead end' when the country tries to compete and develop where its comparative position is unfavorable. Also, in the short term, import-export policies are costly, as more resources are produced at the expense of products produced at relatively higher costs than they can be imported from abroad. Advantages
Comparative advantage turns out to be a dynamic category, and by developing the industry and mastering new technologies, CRSs can eventually gain a comparative advantage. In addition, customs protection can help develop new industries, even though paying for production would have the same effect at lower social costs. Bibliography
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