Coat of arms of Imielina

Imielin's coat shows a silver chapel on the blue coat of arms. The chapel has a golden gable and a golden dome, topped with a Latin cross. The shrine stands on green grass.

The first known seal of Imielina from 1818 is the authenticity of the documents until 1864. The emblem on the stamp represents a rounded roadside shrine covered with a domed roof. This seal was later replaced by inscription seals. One of them dates from 1854-1894, the other from 1900-1922.

After the independence of Imielin, the eagle came without a crown, determined by Marian Gumowski's heraldry as Polish. The image of such an eagle is shown on subsequent seals of 1925-1928 and 1927-1939.

When in 1967 Imielin was granted city rights, the coat of arms of the newly formed city was formerly the municipal emblem of 1918. Since the color of the emblem was not preserved, then the colors given to him in 1939 by Marian Gumowski were adopted according to the heraldic rules. , referring to the colors of the coat of arms of the Silesian Piasts, in a blue field, a white chapel, covered with a golden roof. Since 1995, Imielin has been a stand-alone city.

On January 30, 1996, the City Council adopted a resolution on Imielin's trademarks. The coat of arms is the same as the image of the 1918 seal.

The resolution of the councilors of the city council changes slightly the color used by Marian Gumowski. A green turf appeared on the field of the Spanish spotted turtle and a silver chapel was erected on it. The white gates were turned into gold. A gold dome, topped with a golden Latin cross.

Dome - interpreted as a blue vault symbol. Window - with grating symbolizes futility and resignation. Door - closed symbolize secrecy, ban. Cross on the roof of the chapel - the symbol of the four worlds, the symbol of the suffering of Christ, the universal symbol of Christian faith.



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