Szymon z Saint-Quentin

Saint-Quentin, a French Dominican who participated in the diplomatic and religious mission sent by Innocent IV to the Mongols of Persia and Armenia in 1247. A large part of his report has been preserved in the Speculum historiale ("The Mirror of History") of the French encyclopaedia of medieval Wincenty of Beauvais.

On the expedition of Batu-Khan in 1241 he wrote:

"When [Batu] was about to enter Hungary, he offered a sacrifice to the demons, asking if they would dare go in there, answered him demon living in the statue:" Go calmly, because I send three ghosts in front of you, and thanks to them your opponents do not These are the spirits of disagreement, the spirit of unbelief and the spirit of fear. These are three unclean spirits, as if frogs, as we read in the Apocalypse [16,13]. " Bibliography Authoritative control (person):



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