Telemach Pilitsidis

Telemach (Tilemachos) Pilitsidis - born in Greece (7 January 1941 in Kiwotos), a painter and poet living in Glogow.

In the years 1961-1967 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, obtaining a master's degree in art, a diploma in painting at the studio of Professor Jerzy Nowosielski. Member of the Polish Artists' Union since 1977.

He creates oil paintings, drawings, graphics, poetry. He has made 56 individual exhibitions, presenting abstract compositions, a series of paintings devoted to environmental protection, an industrial cycle, a series of anti-war paintings, a battle cycle, a series devoted to marine fauna, erotic paintings and metaphorical paintings. He participated in over three hundred group exhibitions. Over 40 years he painted over 3 thousand. wash. He has published five volumes of poetry: The Crucifixion by Telemacha (1992), Return to Itachi (1997), Aliki (2005), Niobe (2008), Auryga (2008), and the autobiographical novel Sleenken Eye. / p>

Pilitsidis also works as a lecturer in painting and drawing in art schools. He was also an animator of many projects connected with the activities of the Głogów artistic community. Distinguished by the title of Merit for the City of Głogów (twice), Meritorious for Legnickie Province, Gold Badge Merit for Polish Culture, Silver Cross of Merit.



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