Anakolut - syntax error distorts sentence construction in such a way that the logical relationship between its members disappears. In other words, it is a structured statement so that its individual members quarrel with the logical order of the sentence and are grammatically incorrect.
The most common case of anakolut is the combination of the verbal equivalent of a sentence (with a modern adverb or predecessor) with the main sentence containing another subject (eg going to work, snowing, opening the window, slamming the door; having come home, the rain stopped raining). Anagolical sentences are sometimes introduced deliberately, as a stylistic means, into literary works to create the impression of colloquial or other artistic purposes.
From the formal point of view, anacolutics are also sentences with generic expressions, in short, the truth has been said (in the latter case it may be wrong to use the participle before saying instead of the modern saying or, better to say), if the subject of the main clause is other than the author of the statement (which usually takes place). However, these are constructs of the doctrine and have been accepted by linguists (although the principle of identity of subjects is generally not fulfilled). Bibliography
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