Old Manor House

Old Manor House

The Starzyński Manor House is located in the center of the royal town of Leżajsk. At present, it houses the Museum of the Leżajsk Region.

History of the Starzyński Manor dates back to the first half of the 16th century. At that time King Sigismund I Stary made a re-location of the city, and the then starost of Krzysztof Szydłowiecki raised a magnificent residence.

The original manor house consisted of the starost house, a separate house for the service, numerous business buildings: bakery, brewery, malt house, stables, cellars. There were also bathrooms and a prison for the elderly. The whole was surrounded by earthen shafts, where the fence covered with shingle. In the fortification circuit there was a wooden, three-storey tower, with both defensive and economic functions, as well as a gate and four doors. Starosta Szydłowiecki equipped court buildings, among others. Tiled stoves and glass windows.

In 1609 Leżajsk and Dwor were robbed by the famous warchle Stanisław Stadnicki, called the Łańcut Devil. He rode the city in time of years, devastating private war with the Leżajsk Starosty - Łukasz Opaliński. In the middle of the 17th century the Starzynski Mansion was destroyed by the Cossacks and the troops of the Prince of Transylvania, Jerzy II Rakoczi. The Tatar invasion in 1672 and the military expedition during the Third Northern War in the early 18th century also contributed to the fall of the ruins, especially since the next starosts from the Potocki family (1655) did not live there, choosing nearby Tarnawiec. In the years 1760-1770 the Potocki, on the site of the destroyed Old Town, built a single-storey brick Manor, which exists today.

In 1918 the Starýn Manor was leased from Potocki to the needs of the City Gymnasium, established in 1912, which was called the State Junior Gymnasium in 1922 and was named in 1926 by Bolesław Chrobry. In the years 1932-1933 the city authorities finalized the redemption of the manor and rebuilt to the needs of the school. During the Second World War and the occupation, the Starzyński Manor House served as a barracks for German troops. After the liberation, the team of Dwór Starzyński served as a school - there was High School and Elementary School No. 4.



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