
Mageripen (Mageripe, "scavenger") is one of the most important concepts within the Romani tradition concerning the ritual idea of ​​"purity-impurity." The status of being "scaled" or ritually unclean is a penalty for crossing the romanipen rules, which is related to different degrees and forms of exclusion of a person from social life.

There are many types of defilements, by gypsyology grouped essentially into two categories. big (rom. bare mageripena) and small scalp (rom. tikne mageripena). The most important spheres of life that can cause deflation are:

Proper treatment in these spheres is regulated in detail by the Roma tradition. It is also worth noting the important parallel with the idea of ​​ritual purity in traditional Indian culture.

Among the various Roma groups, there are various institutions that rule on the status of defilement: for the so-called. Polish Lowland Gypsies are the people of Szero Roma, for the Lowar and Kledash council of respected members of the community called Kris. For many groups, such as the Hungarian and Slovak Roma or the Bergitka group in Poland, there is no such institution, and the status of defect is regulated only by the social consensus. Bibliography



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