A vicious circle in defining

Invalid circle in definition, circulus in definiendo (lat.) - logical error, which suffers from the definition of a given expression that does not meet the criterion of commutation. The definition is commutative when the expression does not occur in the definition of the expression, nor in the definition of any definition indicating the meaning of the definitions of the expression. Such error occurs eg in the definition: "logic is a science of thinking in accordance with the laws of logic."

The error that occurs when in the definition of equality defined word occurs in the definition part is defined as idem per idem (Latin "same by the same") or wrong vicious circle. The approximate logical error is a vicious circle, which consists in defining the expression A with a set of expressions containing the expression B, while at the same time among the expressions used to define the expression B occurs in the expression A. Such error occurs eg in the definition of "Logic is a science of correct thinking. Correct thinking is thought in line with the laws of logic.

The definitions of the error of the vicious direct or indirect circle are defined as direct tautological definitions and indirect tautological definitions respectively.



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