Associated Libraries of the Faculty of Sociology and Philosophy of the University of Warsaw, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish Philosophical Society

Combined Libraries of the Faculty of Sociology and Philosophy of the University of Warsaw, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish Philosophical Society - a scientific library founded in 1948, with the largest collection of philosophical books in Poland. It combines the three libraries - the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Philosophical Society, with a separate budget, philosophy, sociology, and related disciplines. It is located and operates in the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, Warsaw University, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, in Warsaw.

The library was organized by Janusz Krajewski, who served as its director in 1952-1973. In the years 1978-2007 the director was Jan Siek, since 2007 this function was performed by Aleksandra Łabuńska. The library includes general and interlibrary rental, a main reading room, a reading room for magazines, a collection and compilation department, and a computer lab.

The library has a wealth of special collections, which include in particular the elements of the legacy of the philosophers of the Lviv-Warsaw school and the entire Warsaw philosophical center. The archives of Janina Kotarbińska and Tadeusz Kotarbiński, the writings of Maria Ossowski, the writing legacy of Mieczysław Wallis, the philosophical margins of Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz and sound recordings (eg Władysław Tatarkiewcz's lectures). The library also has a collection of master's theses, doctoral and habilitation papers, manuscripts and manuscripts of unreleased works of Polish philosophers. The book also included books belonging to many former employees. rich collection of Kazimierz Ajdukiewcz.



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