Higher Commercial School in Cracow

Higher School of Commerce in Cracow - a college founded in 1925 in Cracow as a result of the separation from the School of Commerce in Cracow. The co-authors were prof. Arnold Bolland (Lecturer of the Jagiellonian University and Lviv Polytechnic) and prof. Albin Żabiński. This school gave rise to today's Cracow University of Economics. The name of the school (1925-1938) was headed by prof. Arnold Bolland.


After Poland regained its independence after the First World War, it was necessary to train specialists with higher education. At first, secondary schools were established at the secondary school (see Cracow School of Economics) and in 1924 the Commodity Institute conducted a 2-year merchandising study. It was the school with the institute that gave rise to the first higher education school in Krakow, the third such private university in Poland (after Warsaw and Lviv). Founded on May 25, 1925 by the state government, it was named the Higher School of Commerce (WSH). October 1, 1925 co-founder and first director of the School prof. Dr. Arnold Bolland has officiated inaugurated the first academic year. This moment is considered to be the beginning of today's Cracow University of Economics. Location

The Upper School of Commerce was originally located in the building at ul. 2. In 1927 the school built its own building at ul. Sienkiewicza 4, and in 1930 the second at ul. Sienkiewicza 5. These buildings are still held by the University of Economics (there is a current Faculty of Commodity).

At the entrance to the Higher School of Commerce there is a Latin inscription: Rerum cognoscere causas et valorem, which is to this day the motto of the University. Studies

Studies conducted at the Cracow University of Commerce lasted 3 years from 1925 to 1939, and since 1930 an additional year has been introduced (the so-called year of research work), during which graduates prepared a diploma thesis (the equivalent of today's bachelor's degree). < / p>

The Higher School of Commerce offered the following courses of study:

In the first year of its existence, 222 students were enrolled, in the academic year 1938/39 there were 1487. The school's funding was for student fees and grants from the Ministry of Religious and Public Enlightenment. Academic rights

The school (despite being educated at the academic level) did not have full academic rights. She could not give the title of magister, and the school was headed by the director (not the rector). In 1938 it was transformed into the Academy of Commerce in Cracow, obtaining full academic rights.



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