Joan Mayné

Joan Mayné and Torrás (born September 19, 1928 in Barcelona, ​​November 14, 2016) are a Spanish sculptor from Catalonia, a professor at Barcelona's School of Fine Arts.

His specialty was sacred sculpture. The most famous work is a 15 meter high alabaster retreat, made in the Renaissance style (plateresco) at the Marian shrine of Torreciudad, completed in 1975, and the statue of St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer. In addition, he performed, among others. bronze reliefs of Peter and Paul in the cathedral of Barcelona, ​​bronze altar annexation in the cathedral of Toledo, wooden statues of St. Families for the Sagrada Familia church in Igualada. His sculptures are in the Temples and the Museum of Maternity in Barcelona, ​​as well as in Chicago, Paris and Rome.



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