
Rac. (Rac. str. Serb) - a light horse driven, established in the 14th century in Hungary, recruited from the Serbs inhabiting the Dalmatian and Baczka and Banat. This formation was especially developed by Maciej Korwin. History

After the defeat of the Turks in the Kosovo Field in 1389 and their control of the Balkan states, the junta sought a place for themselves in the Christian part of Europe to continue the struggle there with the invaders. They arrived in Poland at the end of the 15th century. in the Battle of Klecko in 1506 and under Orsza in 1514.

Armed rake equipment was a tree (a kind of light copy), Hungarian saber and a high wooden shield in the shape of a convex and fringe to the left of the rectangle (which provided better visibility). They were walking small agile horses. It was so called. armament. Racovs were protoplasts of the later Polish hussars.



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