Vivian Stranders

Vivian Stranders (born 1881, died 1959) is a British military, collaborator and radio propagandist during World War II.

During World War I he served as captain in the Royal Flying Corps. After completing it, he moved to the auxiliary service of the Inter-American Aviation Commission, which oversaw the disarmament of German air forces in 1919-1921. Due to the scandal linked to the merger of his private life and work he was released. In the 1920s, he spent most of his time on the continent, only occasionally coming to Britain. The British authorities suspected they were working for a German intelligence service. In December 1926, V. Stranders was arrested in Paris, accused of espionage. He was sentenced to 2 years in prison. When he left for freedom he settled in Germany. In 1931 he was employed by the Prussian Socialist government in the field of interior affairs. After the outbreak of World War II, he became an anti-British propagandist under the pseudonym "Mediator" on the German radio in Munich. He volunteered for the Waffen-SS, earning the rank of SS-Sturmbannführer. In the spring of 1943 he became involved in the formation of Britisches Freikorps, a collaborative armed formation of British and British prisoners of war. After the war he settled in western Germany.

Short biography of Vivian Stranders (English)



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