It's dry

Wakuom (vacuome) - A historical term for cytology that represents the whole of the vacuolar cell system, which was also included in Golgi's apparatus. The term was introduced by M. Parat in 1924 when discussing the meaning and function of Golgi's apparatus. Parat and some cytologists in the twenties of the twentieth century considered the Golgi apparatus an artifact created in the vacuole. The hallmark of the wakuolar system (wakuomu) was the ability to live dying with indifferent red. It is now known that the endoplasmic vacuoles and the Golgi apparatus are morphologically and functionally different cellular organelles.

Golgi's study of the wakuom and Golgi apparatus was conducted in Poland. Kazimierz Sembrat, later professor of the University of Lviv and Wroclaw University, in his early work (the 1930s), who, contrary to the prevailing view, stated that the synthesis of a deutoplasmic substance takes place within the mitochondria, which was later confirmed by electron microscopy. p>



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