Julian Salwiusz

This committee has collected all current civil law principles, mainly expressed in the pretentious edicts. After giving this edict, called perpetual, officials lost the right to innovate. This edict, called Edictum Salvianum, became the code of the old law, in contrast to the ius novum, whose source was the emperor. Only he had the right to interpret and supplement the Edict. The official replies in these cases, that is, the judgments were given by the members of the consilium principis, the lawyers whom the emperor had given the ius respondendi.

Sam Julian was from Hadrumetun (now Susa in Tunisia). Before he became a pretender, he served as a Quaestor and a tribune of the people during the reign of Emperor Hadrian. Approx. 138 was pretended and then probably from 141 to 147 prefect (praefectus aerarii Saturni item Militaris).

In 148 he became a consul. Approx. 151 was appointed the German Inferior, and then the Spanish Citerior (ca. 161 - 164). Approx. 167 became the proconsul of Africa. According to the story of August, he was also a prefect of the city (praefectus urbi), but this is not a verified information. He belonged to a group of quindecemirs - members of the college and then pontifex. His son was in 175 consul.

Salvatorian teacher was Jawolenus, whom he replaced as a superior at Sabinian Law School. Bibliography



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