Rainbow element

Rainbow Elemental, or almost anything you would like to know about gays and lesbians, published by Robert Biedron in 2007, addressing issues related to LGBT, written in the "question-answer" convention.

The questions were asked by different people, and the author chose the most frequent and most interesting ones. According to the author, it is currently the only such publication on the Polish market. The proposal of Biedronia to add a book to the list of supplementary reading in Polish high schools caused turbulent comments of politicians.

The book is divided into sections dealing with the everyday issues faced by LGBT people: basic knowledge (explains concepts such as coming out), family and friends, everyday life, education, sexuality, legal conditions and political situation of homosexuals. , the history of homosexuals in Poland.

The title of the book refers to the rainbow flag, which is a symbol of sexual minorities.

In May 2009, the handwriting książka została wydana na Ukrainie w nakładzie 2 000 sztuk pod tytułem Rainbow alphabet, or (almost) everything you wanted to know about gays and lesbians (trb. Wesełkowa abetka, abo (majże) wse, szczo wy chotiły znaty pro hejiw ta lesbijok).



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