Rin Tin Tin

Rin Tin News on Frozen River (1929) Rin Tin Tin (born 12 August 1918 in Fleury, August 8, 1932) is a German Shepherd, one of the first and most famous dogs in film. Rin Tin Tin was born as one of five puppies in a German abandoned front shelter in Fleury, northern France, shortly before his arrival in the United States. It was taken care of by American Corporal Lee Duncan. He also gave the dog a name from the chorus of the popular French song at the time, and took him to Los Angeles where he liked the film's producers.

The dog first appeared in the silent film Man from Hell's River in 1922, a year later he was hired by Warner Bros. Records. In total, Rin Tin Tin starred in about 25 films and two series (The Lone Defender (1930) and Lightning Warrior (1931)). In 1931 he ceased to perform, a year later he fell suddenly playing with his owner. Rin Tin Tin was buried in the Cimetière des Chiens cemetery in Paris. Selected filmography Bibliography

Authoritative control (German shepherd):



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