Abortion in Spain
Until 1985, in Spain there was a complete ban on abortion. This year, it was introduced in three cases:
The termination of pregnancy can be made only in a public or private hospital with special accreditation by the authorities. More than 90% of abortions occur in private institutions.
On February 24, 2010, a new law was passed that allows pregnant women to be discontinued in the first 14 weeks. The law also allows you to make an abortion until the 22nd week if the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother or the fetus. According to the law, a woman over the age of 16 can make the procedure without the consent of the parents. Scale of abortion in Spain The mental health clause of the mother is interpreted very liberally, so that the number of legal abortions in Spain is slightly less than in countries with more liberal legislation. The largest number of abortions are made by Balearic residents (256/1000 births), the lowest is Ceuta (18/1000 births). In 2008, 115812 abortions were performed nationwide, and 111482 were reported in the whole year of 2009. Thus, for the first time in 10 years, there has been a decline. Social moods
Spaniards have less acceptance of abortion than other Western European societies, but in the European survey, 59% of respondents said yes to the question: Should a woman not want to have children should she be able to have an abortion? (average of ten countries taking part in the survey - 62%). The opposite was true for 35% of Spanish citizens (average of 10 surveyed countries - 34%), 6% did not vote on this issue (European average - 4%).
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