Robert Julius Trumpler (born October 2, 1886 in Zürich, Switzerland) is an American astronomer born in Switzerland. He conducted research mainly in the field of open clusters.
Demonstrated the existence of a sparse interstellar material in our galaxy - the Milky Way, which absorbs light and thereby weakens the brightness of distant star clusters.
Trumpler's work has also contributed to the development of today's accepted theory of star evolution. Classification of clusters A separate article: Classification of star clusters.
Observations of open clusters and differences between them enabled us to estimate their ages and to develop one of the best classification systems for open clusters. Robert Trumpler proposed classification of clusters mainly based on their appearance, but also on clarity and spectral type.
This diagram describes three features of the cluster: Roman numerals I to IV are characterized by the degree of cluster concentration or dispersion (from very dense to loose), Arabs 1 to 3 describe the range of component brightness (from small variation to large) and the letter p m or r denotes the number of stars in the cluster, from poor to medium to rich. Optionally, if the cluster contains a nebula, the letter n (nebulosity) is added at the end.
For example, in the Trumpler diagram, the Pleiades are classified as I, 3, r, n (strongly concentrated, rich, containing nebulae), while Lyons is nearer to II, 3, m (looser, with fewer stars). Authoritative control (person):
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