The unity of the Church

Unity - aside from holiness, universality (Catholicism) and apostolicity, one of the four main attributes of the Church, recognized by all Christian communities under the Nice-Constantinopolitan confession of faith ("I believe in one, holy, universal and apostolic Church"). In Catholic theology, all these four qualities are considered attributes (in Aristotle's sense) of the Church, the qualities which determine its essence. In Catholicism, the four attributes of the Church are the criterion of its authenticity and its uniqueness - the fact that it is a unique and unique Christ community of salvation.

The unity of the Church and the scriptures Catholicism Orthodoxy

In Orthodoxy, the unity of the Church is understood in two ways - theological and juridical. The Orthodox theology of the unity of the Church recognizes this unity as the confession of a single Christological and Christological doctrine (sobornost) in the first seven common councils. Ecclesiastical Ecclesiology according to the teaching of St. Paul sees the Church as one whole composed of interrelated parts. The Church of the Orthodox is primarily realized in authofalse - the existence of local churches, which only together form a fullness (plerome) built on the foundation of love.

The unity of the Church is externally expressed in the common celebration of the Eucharist and of all the sacraments of koinonia, the reception of the whole of the Revelation in the Bible and Tradition, and the community of ecclesial life (joint convening of the councils,

The unity of the Orthodox Church in the legal-doctrine is based on the observance of all the common canons adopted by the seven councils. The acceptance of the faithful and the entire community to the Orthodox Church can only take place in accordance with these canons. Churches adhering to this model of unity are considered to be equal to the sister churches, and the primacy of the individual in the dioceses is exclusively of canonical importance. Protestantyzm For Protestant theology the foundation of the unity of the Church is formulated in the Confessio Augustan and Confessio Helvetica Posterior principle of the conformity of evangelical teaching and the celebration of the sacraments. The principle of unity and truthfulness of the Church is Christ, offering salvation through the Gospel and the sacraments. The sign of detachment from the Church, the lack of unity, is in Protestantism the proclamation of another Gospel than Christ. Their Protestant churches are interpreted by the Ecclesia semper reformanda principle and seek to be united through the ecumenical movement - one of the most important contemporary agreements is the Leuenberg Convention, recognized in the denominations that have embraced it for the realization of unity.



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