
Map of the Amazon route Transamazonica (BR-230) is a Brazilian national road leading through the Amazon. This is a road with a width of 8.6 meters along with a half-meter road on either side of it. Construction began in 1970. The whole project was coordinated by the Central Development Board of the Amazon (SUDAM) from Brazil's budget funds and various foreign banks.

Construction works were underway in Brazilian Amazon development. It was planned to build a road of 5400 km. The route was to connect the city of João Pessoa on the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of the Paraíba River to the Atlantic Ocean with the city of Cruzeiro do Sul near the Peruvian border and further to the city of Pucallpa on the Ukajali River in Peru. Together with the Peruvian roads, it was a circular road linking the coast of the Atlantic Ocean to the coast of the Pacific Ocean.

At the turn of August-September 1972, the first part of the road connecting João Pessoa and Estreito with the total length of 1250 km was completed. Another section between the towns of Itaituba and Humaitá was put into use on January 30, 1974 and was a length of 1070 km. In the following years, the sections of Humaitá-Rio Branco and Feijo-Cruzeiro do Sul were dedicated.

The route runs through the states of Paraíba, Pernambuco, Ceará, Piauí, Maranhão, Tocantins, Pará, Amazonas, Rondônia, Acre. It was supposed to contribute to the development of the least populated areas of Brazil.

Around the construction of this road is a lot of controversy due to the consequences that it has brought to the environment. Bibliography



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