Wladyslaw Kiedroń

Władysław Kiedroń (born December 3, 1922 in Błędowice Dolne, died 29 February 1992) is a Polish evangelical priest and bishop in Czechoslovakia. Curriculum vitae The son of Adolf and Aloysius from the house of Cimala. Served in the Polish Armed Forces in the West. Graduated from the Sappers Cadet School in Scotland and the First High School in Scotland. Antoni Osuchowski in Cieszyn. He graduated from the University of Warsaw.

From 1951, the vicar in the Chamber Orchestra, later transferred to Cierlicka. Since 1971 Bishop of the Evangelical Church on the Zaolzie. Since 1977, Vice-President of the World Federation of Lutheran Churches for Church Cooperation in Geneva. Doctor honoris causa of the Theological Faculty of the University of Bratislava. In 1989, he resigned from the bishop's health due to health reasons.

His son-in-law was Bogusław Kokotek. Bibliography



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