
Border of eggs near Alushta in Crimea

Eggs (Яйла, krm. Cäyläw) - summer pastures, located in the subalpine and alpine regions of Mid-Asia, Caucasus and Crimea. In the Crimean Mountains this name refers to the flat peaks of the Crimean mountain massifs.

In the Crimea there are 10 eggs, occurring in two groups: western and eastern. Counting from the south-west to the north-east, these are: eastern group:

Eggs are made of hard gray Jurassic limestone, lying on slate and sandstone. Their ridges, corresponding to the axial part of the Krynica Mountains anticline, extend to almost uniform levels of over 1000 m n.p.m. (with single peaks rising higher), at a distance of about 80 km. Their width is from several hundred meters to 7 km. The southern slope falls almost vertically on the southern coast of Crimea, creating picturesque cliffs.

In the limestone rocks, many karst phenomena can be observed: poles, karsts, caves with stalactites and stalagmites, karst wells (where the snow lies almost year-round).

The surface of the eggs is anhydrous, the falling water sinks deep into the rocks, creating an impenetrable lake and streams on the boundary with the impenetrable rocks.



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