
Benchmarking (benchmarking or benchmarking) - a management practice that compares the processes and practices used by the enterprise with those in the companies considered to be the best in the field. The result of this analysis serves as the basis for improvement. This is the practical realization of the proverb: "You have to learn from mistakes, but learn better than others on your mistakes."

Benchmarking is not just imitation, it is not about looking at other people's work to do the same. This is to detect the factors that make the analyzed process effective and then point out similar opportunities in your own enterprise. It is learning and creative adaptation of the best practices.

Benchmarking is also used in the area of ​​public policy.

The key to benchmarking is:

Typical phases of the benchmarking process

Typical Brilman process phases

Types of benchmarking Additional literature



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