Ivan Lukuk

Ivan Lukuk (born February 24, 1965 in Lviv) is a Ukrainian poet, novelist, translator, and literary critic. He also appeared under the pseudonyms of Ivan Lohowers, Ivan Senatovych, Ivan Rizner, Ivan Bohoslovsky. The son of writers Wlodzimierz Łuczuk and Oksana Senatowicz (Володимира Лучука and Оксани Сенатович). In 1986 he graduated from the Faculty of Slavic Philology at Lviv University. Doctor of Philosophy, a member of the Lviv Institute of Literature. Taras Shevchenko, lecturer of the Old Church and Slavonic language at the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv.

A member of the Łu-Ho-Sad group, which also includes Nazar Honczar, b. 1964 and Roman Sadlovsky, b. 1964. The author of volume poems: Polar rhythm, Poetics of the Ardigar (1996), Sonety (1996), Palindroms (1997), Thirty Three Sonnets (1998); novels: Ulisseja (2000), several critical-literary books. She is considered a creator of stylistic, linguistic and conceptual provocations well received by literary critics. Currently living and working in Lviv. His works are translated into 14 languages, mainly in English, Bulgarian, German, Polish and Slovak.


Wlodzimierz Wilczyński, Lexicon of Ukrainian Culture, Zielona Góra 2000, p. 98. http://www.piramidabook.com/?m=pub4&cont=authors&authors_action=browse&authors_page=4&authors_id=14




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