Afanasij Jegorow

Afanasij Jefimovich Yegorov, Russian Афанасий Ефимович Егоров (born 1881, 1957) - Russian military general (Major General), commander of the 2nd Russian Corps of Defense during World War II

He graduated from the town school in Chernihiv, in 1901 - the Chernihiv School of Infantry, and in 1912 - Nikolayevskaya Academy of the General Staff. He participated in the First World War. He served as a senior adjutant in the 2nd Naval Infantry Infantry. In 1918 he joined the white. On March 10, 1919, he became head of the 3rd Cavalry Division of the Cuban Cavalry Division, head of the 3rd Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Division, on April 28, 1920, head of the cavalry cavalry corps, and then chief of staff of the First Army Corps. He reached the rank of Major General. After the evacuation of white troops from Crimea to Gallipoli in November 1920, he went to emigrate. During the Second World War he cooperated with Germans. He joined the Russian Corps of Defense, taking command of the 2nd Regiment.

Short biography of Gen. Afanasija J. Yegorov (Russian)



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