Wave surface

Exemplary wave surfaces are marked as black lines.

Wave surface, wavefront - a geometric point of points with the same phase of vibration in the space affected by the disturbance. If the wave source is point, then the wave surface in the three-dimensional isotropic space is the surface of the sphere, in the two-dimensional space - the circle. Due to the shape of the wave front, spherical, cylindrical, circular (plane) and flat.

Wavefronts for aperiodic waves (eg wave packet, shockwave) have yet another meaning. This is the area that forms the boundary between the disturbed part and the undisturbed part where the wave has not yet reached. In this case, the wave front is the first wave surface. If the wave propagates from a point source in a homogeneous medium, then in the isotropic three dimensional center, the wavefront is the sphere whose radius can be defined as the product of time and the velocity of the wave group. Bibliography



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