Cupid dribbling

Lekczje Kupidinowe Kaspra Twardowski from 1617, today is known only from manuscripts, differing with each other. No copy of the print has not survived. In the absence of a printed text and in view of the divergence of the manuscripts, the authentic version of the work was not fixed today. The Cupid is a kind of ars amandi, ie the art of love, a dramatized poem composed of a dozen or so parts, utilizing the allegorical fable of the medieval erotica and Petrarch's stylistics, closer to the love poet's poetry than the poetics of the song. The cycle of texts is related to the allegorical story of a young man who, after drinking Cypriot water, entered the countryside, from where he was returning to consciousness of the courtly love of the drummer. Descriptions of love games are the main theme of the poem:

She's already allowed on the baby's neck

The arm has to be worn, and the breast does not hide.

We would be at a very short time

They enjoyed each other with great pleasure.

When the mother came in and so beautiful creature / Run, unfortunately, ah! - in monastic shadows.

The song ends with a compliment on the collision of nature and destiny, on the creator.

The last, melancholic part of the cycle, renounces love, but it does not mean that the poet renounces love, it is an attempt to recreate love afflictions, their absurdity in the fact that human nature has created needs that are forbidden to satisfy that women are - By the angels - the most perfect, and to despair we are brought to life, because a network of social and religious prohibitions make the flame of love can only extinguish the grave.

Song text



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