Nezim Ibrahim Frakulla

Nezim Ibrahim Frakulla - also known as Nezim Berati and Ibrahim Nezimi (born 1680 Frakull near Fes, 1760 in Istanbul) - Albanian poet. Curriculum vitae Most of his life he spent in Berat, which during his lifetime was an important center of Islamic culture. He graduated from the Berat Mede, and then studied in Istanbul, where his first works were also created. In 1731 he returned to Berat, where he was one of the prominent poets. In the years 1731-1735 most of his works were created, including a carpet of 110 verses. He belonged to the so-called. Bejtexhinj - Albanian writers associated with the Islamic tradition, writing in Albanian dialects but using the Arabic alphabet. Frakulla was also the author of a mini-Albanian-Turkish dictionary. Beratu's mufti forced him to leave the city. He lived for a time in Elbasan, then was interned in Bessarabia. He died in an Istanbul prison. Authoritative control (person):



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