Wieslaw Królikowski

Wiesław Królikowski (born November 25, 1953 in Warsaw) is a Polish music journalist. Curriculum vitae

He made his debut in the 1973 jazz monthly. Head of culture department of biweekly student Nowy Medyk in 1976-78. Full-time employee of the Jazz editorial office in 1977-82 (journalist, later editor of the editorial board). Then in the magazine of the Music Store, in the years 1983-91. In 1991, together with Wiesław Weiss, he founded the monthly "Only Rock" (deputy editor-in-chief until his disappearance in 2002). In 2003, co-founder and deputy editor of Teraz Rock, where he is currently working. He also published in other magazines, among others. Culture, etc., Screen, Looks, Music News, Video Club, Life, Straight. In the years 1990-92 he had permanent music broadcasts on Radio S, in the years 2015-17 he cooperated with the radio Eska Rock, from 2017 regularly present on the radio Antyradia. Book publications



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