Wiktor Malcew (officer)

Wiktor Ivanovich Malcev, Russian Виктор Иванович Мальцев (born 25 April 1895 in Russia, died 1 August 1946 in Moscow) - Soviet colonel, organizer of collaborative military units in the Crimea, commander of the 150th Schuman Battalion Armed Forces Armed Forces during World War II.

In 1918 he joined the Bolshevik army. He participated in a civil war with white men. In 1919 he graduated from the Jegorod military school, then worked as an instructor. In the years 1925-1927 he was the commandant of the central airport near Moscow. By 1931, he served as deputy and then commander of the Siberian Military District. In 1936 he was promoted to the rank of colonel. In 1937, he became the head of the Red Army air force of Turkmenistan. On the wave of Stalinist purges in the upper military cadre on March 11, 1938, he was arrested by the NKVD and imprisoned in Ashkhabad. He did not plead guilty, on September 5, 1939, he was released. Since December of this year he served in an airplane in Yalta in Crimea. In November 1941 he voluntarily surrendered to German troops. Until December 1942 he was the mayor of Yalta, and then organized volunteer troops in the Simferopol region to fight the Soviets. He became commander of the 150th Battalion of the Crimean Tatars. Since September 1943 he has conducted anti-Communist propaganda activities in the radio and in prisoner-of-war camps, cooperated in the formation of Russian aviation units, including 1 Eastern Aviation Squadron. In the autumn of 1944 he joined the Committee of the Liberation of the Nations (KONR). At the beginning. In 1945 he took command of the ARVN Armed Forces, operating in the Czech Republic. On 27 February this year he was promoted to the rank of major general by the Germans. On April 30 he surrendered to the Americans, who in August passed it on to the Soviets. He tried to commit suicide, he was only seriously injured. After the Moscow commando process, the ROA was sentenced to death on August 1, 1946.

Biography of General Wiktor I. Malceva (Russian) Bibliography

K. M. Aleksandrow, Officer Corps of the Army of Lieutenant-General AA Vlasov 1944-1945, Moskwa 2001



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