Moderator (internet)

Moderator - commentator, and other content posted on a web page, IRC channel, mailing list, social network or forum, usually with access to technical tools, content management, and account participants at a higher level than ordinary participants (such as edit or permanently delete comments / posts, block accounts). The purpose of moderation is to prevent trolls, abuse of the comment system, ensure that posts will not cause quarrels and resolve disputes between users. Moderators care about the rules of netiquette, and sometimes also the purity of the Polish language used in the discussion by paying attention or correcting spelling mistakes. Moderating can be done in preventive mode - publishing the content depends on the moderator. Moderator a administrator

Generally speaking, administration of various online channels is handled by administrators and moderators, but usually they are different people, however, the administrator sometimes helps the moderator. Moderator has mostly less permissions. On most forums, administrators can give and take moderator privileges to any user (in some forums this can only be done by the forum owner). Sometimes a moderator hierarchy is introduced, eg moderator of the general department, moderator of another department, etc ... (local moderators, permission to modernize them only), global moderator (whole forum, often can ban). There is also a supercomputer that has access to some admin panel features like departmental management.



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