Peter Gröning (Mayor of Stargard)

Peter Gröning (born September 30, 1561 in Stargard, February 12, 1631) - Mayor of Stargard, founder of the Collegium Groeningianum.

Gröning was born in the family of stargard stelmacha. Initially, he was educated at the local Town Hall School and then became a teacher there.

In 1584 he was elected as a renter in the domain of Jasienica. In 1590 he became a councilor of Stargard Town Council, in 1598 Stargard Podskarbim, and in 1616 mayor. He was also Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Governor.

Peter Gröning died on February 12, 1631. He was buried in the chapel of his name in St. Mary's College. In his testament, he donated 20,000 guldens to the poor and talented foundation. His accomplishment was entrusted to the advocate of the Royal Court Court in Stargard Samuel Neander.

Gröning Foundation was founded on 5 May 1631 by Pomeranian Duke Boguslaw XIV. In 1633 the Collegium Groeningianum (Groening College) was opened, and in 1812 it was transformed into the Gymnasium Groeningianum (Groeningianum Gymnasium), which functioned until 1945.

In 1882 a new gymnasium was erected (now I High School).



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