Program for Restoring Falconer Population in Poland
Program for Restoring Falconer Falcon Population in Poland - a program developed by falconers, hunters and naturalists interested in restoring the population of this species, on the initiative of the voivodship nature preserver in Włocławek Czesław Sielicki. The agreement on the establishment of the Program was signed in 1993 by representatives of the Włocławski Province Governor, the Cracow Governor, the PZŁ Main Board and the Foundation for Active Protection of the Dead Birds. The program has been approved by the Minister of the Environment, Natural Resources and Forestry (currently the Minister of the Environment).
Works for the restoration of falcon populations in Poland are managed by the Program Council, consisting of heads of breeding centers of this species and representatives of falconry organizations (among others, the Falcon Animal Association, Polish Hunting Association, Falcon Nest, Polish Falconer Order ).
The most important goal of the Program is to rebuild the migratory falcon populations that once were characteristic of Poland.
The basic elements of the Program are falcon breeding, reintroduction, reintroduction birds rearing and monitoring of rebuilding populations, including artificial nesting and chick roping.
Since 2010, the "Sokół" Association for the Wild Animals has been running the Program on new principles, based on the experience of a similar Program implemented in Germany. The main principles of the new Program are the concentration of reintroduction in a limited number of locations, the p for male release as a key to the success of the Program, and close cooperation with foresters and educational programs addressed to them.
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