Travel Check

NBP travel check for 1000 PLN issued in 1989 for a trip to Poland Travel check for 2000 zlotys

A traveler's check or traveler's check - a type of check issued by a bank or other financial institution to a standard amount (eg 100 zlotys, 100 euros, 50 lbs) in different currencies. This is a kind of payment order directed by the bank to other banks. The check is issued to the issuing institution itself.

Travelers' checks are issued by name to a specific, signed person and become valid only at the time the owner signs the second signature at the time of delivery, which protects him against unauthorized use in the event of loss or theft. Usually used during their stay abroad. Sometimes the validity of the check was limited to a specific country (eg the NBP check issued in Hungary - shown for the time only).

The first travelers to the market introduced the American Express Company in 1890. In the same year, American Express sold travelers checks for a total of $ 9120. In 2000 the sum was already $ 24.6 trillion. The widespread use of credit and debit cards around the world has significantly reduced the popularity of travelers' checks during holiday travels. Read about legal notices in Wikipedia. Bibliography



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