Ceiling Klein
Voivodship road no. 341 (DW341) - a voivodeship road running entirely through the Lower Silesian Voivodship with a length of approximately 33 km. It connects Lubiąż, Brzeg Dolny with the village of Pęgów. Locations near the DW341 route is formed by cement bridging with cement mortar; The reinforcement is placed at the bottom of the welds. The plates are based on the lower beams of the beams. Depending on the arrangement of the bricks in the plate, Klein's ceilings are differentiated with boards of the following type:
The spacing of the beams is usually 1.2-1.8 m. Before the shuttering, the beams should be wrapped with Rabitza or Ledóchowski's mesh to ensure the adhesion of the floor plaster.
Klein's ceiling was invented at the beginning of the 20th century. It is rarely used today. For a span of more than 5.0 m it exhibits quite large deflections. In Klein's construction also door lintels and window lintels are used in masonry buildings. Ceiling Klein Bibliography
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