Isotherma Sircara

Sircar's isotherm is a 3-parameter equation for multilayer adsorption on a homogeneous surface, a generalization of the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller isotherm.

θ = 1 & # x2212; ( C & # x221E; & # x2212; 1 ) x 1 & # x2212; x ⋅ ( K x 1 & # x2212; x 1 + K x 1 & # x2212; x ) {\displaystyle \theta ={\frac {1-(C_{\infty }-1)x}{1-x}}\cdot \left({\frac {K{\frac {x}{1-x}}}{1+K{\frac {x}{1-x}}}}\right)}


The Sircar equation can be used as a local isotherm for the description of adsorption on a heterogeneous surface (energetically heterogeneous) using the general integral equation. 1 & # x2212; x ) {\displaystyle \theta ={\frac {1-(C_{\infty }-1)x}{1-x}}\cdot \left({\frac {K{\frac {x}{1-x}}}{1+K{\frac {x}{1-x}}}}\right)}


The Sircar equation can be used as a local isotherm for the description of adsorption on a heterogeneous surface (energetically heterogeneous) using the general integral equation.



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