Breiz Atao

"Breiz Atao", "Breizh Atao" ("Brittany for Always") - a Breton nationalist magazine published in the period between the wars in Brittany.

The magazine was founded at the turn of 1918/1919 by a group of Breton activists fascinated by the Irish struggle for independence, initiated by the Easter Rising in Dublin in 1916. These included Camille Le Mercier d'Erm, Job Loyant, Morvan Marchal and Job de Roincé. They founded the Breton Regional Group led by Job Breiz. The young intellectuals of Breton, Yann Bricler, Olier Mordrel and François Debauvais soon joined them, who later took over the role. The first issue of "Breiz Atao" came out in January 1919. Initially, the magazine featured primarily the cultural aspects of Brittany, but soon became a forum for Brethren's separatist activists. Adopt a panoply ideology. The editorial office organized a congress in September 1927 in Rosporden, where the creation of the Breton Autonomous Communities (PAB) was announced. At her first meeting, Maurice Duhamel took over as editor-in-chief of Breiz Atao. At the PAB Congress on April 11, 1931, the party split into several factions. In this situation, "Breiz Atao" ceased to be her press body. On December 27, the foundation congress of the Breton National Party (PNB) took place in Landerneau. Mordrel and F. Debauvais participated in it. Fr. Mordrel and F. Debauvais published a PNB political program in which they proposed a constitution for an independent Brittany state, to which France should transfer some of its industrial, scientific, cultural, etc. resources, including the colony overseas. The boundaries of Brittany were to be determined by the plebiscite. Its system was to be based on the Catholic principles of social solidarity, and the basis of the economic system was to be family farms and small businesses. Workers had the right to join trade unions. Public law would only belong to the Bretons. PNB activists have postulated the deprivation of nationality of a new country of foreigners and a mixed race. The authorities were to take care of the physical and moral health of the Brittany. There were racist themes. After the fall of France as a result of the German invasion of Pontivy in July 1940, there was a PNB congress, in which Fr. Mordrel and F. Debeauvis decided to end Breiz Atao. It was replaced by a new magazine "L'Heure Bretonne".



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