Solo runners

Sami biegacze 2004: from lewej Peter Repka, Ivan Laučík and Ivan Štrpka

Solo runners - a Slovak literary group. Created in 1964 by three authors of modernist poetry and prose - Ivan Štrpek, Ivan Laučík and Peter Repka. Their motto was: "To return the good angels of humanity to our minds and feelings - the sincerity of speaking, the nobility of intentions, and the righteousness of deeds."

The creativity of the individual creators of the "Solo Runners" group is clearly different. There is only a moral and social message. Apart from this common base, each one is different, it moves in its surroundings and it draws on its own experience and sensitivity.

The existence of the group proclaimed the manifesto "The Advantages of Three-Shouldered Nightmare" (Prednosti trojnohých slávikov) and a joint statement called "Return of the Angels" (Návrat anjelov).



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