Working man

Workman - one of Florian Znaniecki's typologies of social typology, describing people who started working in early adolescence, as well as auxiliary, which caused both the educational circles and the circles of play to quickly lose their influence. This is a very different category because of the many specializations and different work environments.

Unlike well-behaved people, working people in their environment are not prepared for the future roles they play, and those roles are learned from the beginning in the present, being helpers at work or young workers. Their attitude to work is dominated by the sense of duty and the usefulness of work. Workers in this sense are not all working people. Units of this type in workplaces, both in enterprises and in the agricultural family, are subject to economic control, useful for the group, the effects of their actions. At an early stage of work, young people must belong to both the group and the individual, who are higher in the hierarchy and unable to develop their own initiative. For a human being, the perception of the world takes place through the prism of the hierarchy and the economic position, not as in the case of a well-behaved person, through the prism of his own system of values. homo creator human suffering proletariat



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