Appiusz Klaudiusz Kaudeks

Appius Claudius Caudex member of the patrician Roman family, grandson of the famous Appius Claudius Cekus; consul in 264 p.n.e.

In that year he drew Rome into a conflict with Carthage against the background of the battle for Sicily. At 265 p.n.e. Syracuse's henchman Jerome II attacked Messina in an attempt to bust her out of the hands of the Mamlottians, the Mercenary mercenaries who once served in the army of the Agatokles, who had occupied her several years earlier. The Mamerites organized their own state based on Messina, mastering much of Sicily and controlling the strait between Italy and Sicily. In the face of the threat that they made to Hieron II, they sought the help of the Carthaginians, and when they did not receive satisfactory support, they also turned to Rome. Part of the Senate was opposed to interference, but Appiusz Claudius pushed for Mamertyn's support for fear of increasing Carthaginian influence in Sicily. He led two legions to Sicily and took over from Messrs. Messina by breaking the resistance of the Carthaginians. Later, Messina was intercepted by the Carthaginians and by Syracuse, who refused to negotiate with the deputies of Appius Claudius. Claudius decided to fight and defeated the Syracuse army under the command of Hieron II, and the next day the Carthaginian forces. These accidents were the cause and beginning of the First Punic War. His son was Publius Claudius Pulcher, consul in the year 249 BC.



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