Belarussian Service of Homeland

Belarussian Service of Homeland (Belarusian: Беларуская Служба Бацькаўшчынае, BSB) - Belarussian collaborative youth organization operating in occupied Belarus during the Second World War. History

The Belarusian Service of Homeland was created in the autumn of 1943 on the initiative of prof. Wenceslas Ivanovsky, chairman of the Belarusian Central Council. It was modeled on the German Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD). Its members on the left sleeve were wearing a national band with the abbreviation "БСБ". In October 1943, a 15-member group of BSB activists from the Baranavich district traveled to Latvian Mitava for a 3-month course of leaders led by the 8th District of RAD. Upon their return to Belarus, they were the management staff of the organizing BSB. The next course was held from February to June 1944 in Konigsberg. It was attended by Belarussians from the area of ​​Młodecki and Minsk. After completing it, they visited several cities in East Prussia, getting acquainted with the activities of the local RAD structures. Prior to the occupation of Belarus by the Red Army, the BSB battalion was still organized in Słonim. During the evacuation to the Third Reich, the Germans initially ordered the Belarusians to go to East Prussia and take part in the defense against the advancing Soviet troops. BSB management has, however, managed to change this decision. Most BSB members remained in Belarus. About 120 activists evacuated to the Reich, arriving in Eger at the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Most of them were directed to the anti-aircraft defense of the local air base. Later, some BSB members were sent to 30 SS Grenadier Divisions, formed in March 1945.

Funkcje w BSB: member, senior member groups zvyazovy junior master, master .



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