Walentyna Subocz

Walentyna Subocz (born January 10, 1942 in Gasparyszki near Święcian) - Lithuanian Polish activist, teacher, deputy to the Sejm of Lithuania 1990-1992. Curriculum vitae

In 1962 she graduated from the Pedagogical Institute in Leningrad. In the years 1959-1991 she worked in the education of the Święciński region. From 1978 to 1987, she served as vice-president of the kolkhoz. Adam Mickiewicz in the sacred area and secretary of the CPSU there.

In the years 1960-1991 a member of the CPSU. After 1988, he was associated with the Union of Poles in Lithuania.

In February 1990, she was elected deputy to the Supreme Soviet of the SRR in the Holy District. She belonged to the Polish faction. March 11, 1990 abstained from voting on the resolution of Lithuania's independence from the USSR.

From 1990 to 1993, she was the head of the commune of Podbrzych.



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