Zdeněk Salzmann
Zdeněk Salzmann (born October 18, 1925 in Prague) is a Czech linguist, cultural anthropologist, folkloreist and writer of fine literature; retired professor at the University of Massachusetts. Since 1947 he has lived in the United States. At the center of his interests is linguistic anthropology. Life <<> Salzmann studied linguistics at Indiana University in Bloomington. Since 1968 he has lectured on cultural anthropology at the University of Massachusetts. He conducted a number of field studies, among others. among the Indians of the Arapaho tribe and the population of the south-Bohemian community of Komárov. He studied the extinct language of the Arapah and was active in his survival and dissemination. He is the author of the English-arapaż dictionary. Since 1989, Salzmann regularly visits the native Czech Republic, where he lectures at Charles University in Prague and at the universities of Pilsen and Pardubice. Artworks
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