Dialectical syntax

Dialect syntax - syntax, syntax and syntax. Rarely, syntactic features are used as criteria in determining the extent of noise. The syntax of some jargon is rarely described, justifying the basic differences between it and the general system. The main differences come down to the presence of syntactic archaisms in the dialect, which are well preserved (for example, doubling the preposition: He came out of my house), to a relatively high frequency of colloquial structures (for example, He took and did), because the dialect is by nature hedgehog. spoken, to the presence of influences of foreign syntax in the voices bordering the non-Polish territories (eg Wielkopolska gave coffee 'coffee', cf. Es gab Kaffe). Therefore, as a department of science, the vocabulary is based not only on studies and methods of descriptive, historical, colloquial sciences.

Syntax is characterized by a large number of single statements. Among the composite majority are the coordinates, mainly the joint ones, such as the horse he gave him and the property he saved and nothing helped. Nearly unknown are the equivalence sentences; Adverbs are usually rare, and they are a function of the way they are.



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