Sawieckaja Belaruś
Sawieckaja Belaruś (white. Савецкая Беларусь) - a journal published in 1920-1933 in Soviet Belarus as an organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (B). History
The newspaper was founded by the KC Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Lithuania and Belarus. It was acting in turn as a re-election body of Lithuania and Belarus, the CCP of the Belarusian Ministry of National Defense, the BSRR government. She appeared in Smolensk (from February to August 1920) and Minsk (from August 1920 to March 1933). The editors of the journal were S. Bułat, Żmicier Żyłunowicz, Usiewaład Ihnatouski and M. Czarot.
As an addition to the newspaper, "Radawaja ruń" (1924), "The Bells of the Land" (1927).
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